Being living members of the Body of Christ, we enter into liturgy as we unite our minds, voices and lips to Christ praying in the presence of Our Father. We enter into Christ’s prayer with all the Church, as we sing Psalms which are the very words of God taken from the Bible. Thus, God is the origin and end of our prayer. This is why St. Benedict calls the liturgy the Opus Dei, because the liturgy is truly the Work of God… and for Our Father, St. Benedict: nothing should be preferred to the Work of God (RB 43).
And let them first pray together, that so they may associate in peace.
St Benedict, The Rule
Prayer is free time we spend in intimacy with God, like two friends sharing a heart to heart. Prayer is lived in silence and in celebrating the Word of God. Divine Reading, Lectio Divina, is a cherished time we take to listen to the Word of God from the Bible, the Church’s Tradition, and reflect on the writings of the Fathers of the Church, new and old. Work carried out in accordance with the Rule keeps us united to Christ. Accomplished in His Presence, it binds us to His silence, simplicity, humility and loving charity.
Living together as Sisters around our Mother Abbess, who represents Christ among us, we know that each one of us is fashioned in God’s image. When gathered together to pray, work, be at service of one another, or spend time relaxing in one another’s company, God reveals himself to us. In order to practice the great commandment of love as nuns, we strive to be a family which surpasses all families of the world in union, affection, and forgetfulness of self, so that God may be glorified in all things.
Our celebration of the daily Eucharist is the source and summit of our lives. Our communion to the Body and Blood of Christ makes us become one Body with Him. The unity of our community, its incorporation into the Church, and its spiritual fecundity are ultimately based on this communion to His Death and Resurrection. Our daily Mass is celebrated with utmost love and devotion, in Gregorian chant.